The V4 Space Summer School

„Shared roots, shared comms!”

Become a part of the student team designing Visegrad Group`s communication satellite. Join the space technologies training and mentoring program!

About the project

Slovaks, Czechs, Hungarians and Poles have lived in Central Europe for several centuries. Communication between them creates vibrant trade routes, rich cities and cultural ties that bind this part of Europe. Now the time has come to venture together into the future. Are we ready to work together to create innovative space solutions? Do we have the technical skills and capabilities? Do we have the political will to find organisational solutions?

The V4 Space Summer School is a training and mentoring scheme for 24 students from Visegrad countries. The goal - to bolster V4 cooperation and create resilient communication infrastructure. Participants will holistically tackle the challenge by creating technical designs, but also programmatic strategies to navigate the political and business landscape - just like they would in a real-world mission proposal.

During the programme you will work in an international team gaining hands-on experience on how to design the space mission. The programme will give you the opportunity to meet experts from industry, academia and NGOs, working together in Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) activities to gain hands-on experience on how to design the space mission. The results of your team work will be presented to experts during a final presentation day and published online on the V4 Space Summer School website. Learn from the experts from industry, academia and NGOs to acquire the technical knowledge, non-technical skills (communication, organisation and space policy) needed to enter the space industry!

Project partners

Visegrad Fund
Brno Space Cluster
Zilinska Univerzita V Ziline


Mission design (22h)
Lectures from industry experts on space systems engineering, covering the major satellite subsystems such as: On-Board Data Handling (OBDH), Electrical Power System (EPS), Communications (COMM), Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS) and Structures & Mechanisms, and mission analysis methods
Teamwork (24h)
Concurrent design workshops aimed at designing your own space mission. Become the engineer responsible for one of the subsystems and negotiate the shape of the mission with the rest of the team
Space Policy Activities (7 h)
Expert lectures on space policy and space industry landscape in the V4 countries, especially institutions and determinants of cooperation. Mountain excursions and integration .

Recruitment information


6-15 July 2025 Where? Glider Academic Centre of the Rzeszów University of Technology in Bezmiechowa - a beautiful site in the Carpathian Mountains

For whom?

Students (Bachelor, Master or PhD) and and young professionals (up to 2 years of work experience or first post-doctoral position) enrolled or working in the V4 countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary)


A registration fee for participating in the school is 200 Euro which covers accommodation and meals. The cost of all educational and integration activities are covered by the Visegrad Fund.

The project is co-financed by the governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from the International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
